Things we liked this week:
…Liam was confused by people not understanding that the iPhone 4S is the iPhone 5 (not to mention the shameless ripping off by Apple of Google Latitude…). Meanwhile, he bookmarked: Amazon’s new Kindle without keyboard now shipping in the UK (but apparently UK folks don’t get the Kindle Touch, or ad-supported Kindles). He also discovered the reasonably awsome Layer Styles which lets you use a Photoshop-like web interface to build complex CSS3 shadows and borders. Nice!
Layer Styles: nice. New iCal design: not nice. Nicola: “REVOLTING. It’s not Apple’s sexy style, looks dated and ugly – it has ‘stitching’…”. Ouch.
Andrew’s bookmarks included this Smashing Magazine blog post on Conversation Techniques for Designers which he says will come in handy as he spends more time liaising with clients than doing design work…
Paul tells me it’s been another bad week for security: Russian software company Elcomsoft announced that they could recover Blackberry device passwords, while a massive security hole in HTC’s Android phones allows any app with permission to talk to the internet to extract any private information from the phone…
From Adam: “Cube is really neat looking open-source system for visualizing time series data created by disruptive credit card processing start-up Square. It let’s you really easy build a realtime dashboard of anything that can be tracked over time. It uses some very clever data processing techniques to deliver results as quickly as possible. It’s definitely a library I’m now looking for a reason to use!”
And finally – from me, another stunning example of how Amazon is building fiercely loyal customers by going way beyond the call of duty with their customer service. I’ve had a similar experience with the ‘zon when my Kindle case malfunctioned – instant phone call, totally intelligent customer service person, instant money back into my account. This is how it should be done…
Cake fine? Clearly it should be Dave for 1) Failing to contribute and 2) Being on holiday :-)