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The return of BathCamp

It’s been quite some time since the last BathCamp, but our very own Paul Leader is taking the reigns and getting things back up and running in 2016!

There are going to be a few changes to revitalise the format and make it a little more sustainable.

  • Meetup: You can keep up to date with updates on the new Meetup group ( . We hope this will make it easier for people to get involved. If you have an idea for a theme, a talk you’d like to give, or one you’d like someone else to give, please start a discussion on Meetup.
  • Venue: We will be at The Guild Coworking space, not the Innovation Centre. This is a bit of an experiment, but we hope this will make for more interaction, with a less “lecture room” atmosphere. Feedback welcome. Space is a little more limited, so please RSVP quickly.
  • Sponsors: Storm are sponsoring the venue and the drinks. We’re looking for other local firms to split the cost, so if you are interesting in helping out please get in contact.
  • Schedule: From now on, BathCamp will be happening every two months on the last Thursday of the Month, except in February when we sync up with the Bath Digital Festival.

The first evening will be on 18th February at the The Guild Coworking space. We’re keeping it light, with an evening all about tech that entertains, whatever the context, whether it’s music, video, games or animatronic dinosaurs…  So far we have two confirmed speakers. If you have an idea for a talk or demo that fits the theme (no matter how loosely), please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you there!  Happy Camping!