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A year at Storm as a graduate developer

Adam joined us as a developer after graduating from University of Bath. He’s become an integral part of the Storm team so we wanted to check in with him to see how it’s gone for him.

How have you found your first year as a software developer?

I’ve enjoyed it and learned a lot- not just technical skills but the business side too; project planning, specification, and meetings with clients are just as important as programming (which I’ve also grown far more confident with).

What made you decide to join an agency rather than a corporate job?

You get a lot more autonomy working at an agency, and you’re more involved with the whole development cycle, rather than just one specific part like some roles at larger companies. Meeting clients and being involved with the design as well as implementation of projects is something that most entry level positions don’t offer, so it’s great experience.

What’s something that’s surprised you about being a developer?

How much thought and planning that goes into each new feature for a project. The process involves initial discussion, specification, design, feedback, and then multiple cycles of development until you create something that fits all of the requirements- but it’s all necessary to ensure the end product is top quality

Tell us about something you’re proud of that you’ve achieved in the last year.

I implemented a major change in the data structure for one of our clients, involving changes to both the backend and interface- and also some scripts to migrate terabytes of data on AWS. The client was very happy with the end product and we got some great feedback from users.

What advice would you give to Computer Science graduates who are in their final year thinking about their upcoming career?

If you want variety in problem domains and technologies, consider agency work! You’ll grow a diverse technical skill set and develop soft skills as well