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Welcome to the team Tom and Holly!

We’re very pleased to announce that we have two new team members here at Storm: Tom and Holly.

Tom our new Senior Designer, spent many years working alongside household names, creating everything from e-commerce stores and marketing websites to native mobile apps. Tom leads Storm’s design department, taking our digital projects from the beginning UX stages, all the way through to creative concept and finished product.

Holly, our first ever Marketing Executive, joins us after working in the veterinary industry. Having completed two diplomas through the Chartered Institute of Marketing and with a love of writing (and of course social media), Holly is here to tell the world about the fantastic work our team does.

In true Storm tradition, we asked a few questions to help you get to know them better…

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Tom: I’m always taking photos, mainly portraits of my friends or of my weekend trips! I play a lot of guitar too, and I’m also learning Japanese! こんにちは! よろしくおねがいします

Holly: I absolutely love to travel and explore the world. I pretty much have the entire globe on my bucket list – so far I’m doing quite well! Even my two dogs have a passport each.

Most exciting or unusual thing you’ve ever done?

Holly: It has to be hand-rearing 9 baby lion cubs and looking after orphaned wildlife in South Africa where I was volunteering. Not sure if you’ve noticed but I love animals!

Tom: Probably dropping everything and moving to Canada! Scary and exiting. Amazing place to go if you’ve never been.

Do you have a favourite quote or motto?

Tom: Someone once told me “Tom, you don’t get a second chance for a first impression”, which blew my little mind as a 14yr old, and has stuck with me ever since. Wise words, right?

Holly: I actually have two: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” (Oscar Wilde) and then the much more light-hearted “Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons”.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Holly: A Zookeeper. Or a Princess. Funnily enough neither worked out for me!

Tom: I was obsessed with 2D animation for most of my childhood, and ‘wanted to draw for Disney’ – that’s what I told everyone! I came close once too. 10yr old me would’ve been proud.